Warm Up with a Hot Cup of Tea

So, it’s no secret, I’m cold ALL. THE. TIME.

Even though I moved to Canada from South Africa 25 years ago, (where the winters were like summer) I never really got used to the cold weather.

Anyway, in order to cope with our Canadian winters, one of my favorite ways to warm up, besides throwing on a big comfy sweater, is with a hot cup of tea.

Tea wasn’t always my first go to though.

I used to drink A TON of coffee every day to either warm me up, or get me up and moving. Unfortunately though over time the copious amounts of coffee was causing havoc to my body. I was not concentrating, I was feeling jittery and that mid afternoon crash was no joke.

I was DONE feeling this way, so I did a little research and found that tea can be a great alternative with all the same perks (LITERALLY) and benefits. Did you know that monks actually drink matcha green tea to stay awake while meditating for 16 hours a day?! WOW! Not to mention it has a ton of health benefits like calming a stressed mind - yep, I need that, increases mental alertness - see ya brain fog, and preventing disease - need I say more?!

So, I made the switch a little almost 2 years ago and I’m so glad I did. Now when I’m needing a pick me up, I reach for a delicious match green tea latte. No more crazy jitters. No more extreme highs and lows of energy.

It’s just me….calmed, focused and ready to take on my day ahead.

And then I thought “If matcha green tea could do all this for me, I wonder what other health benefits different teas have?”.

So I started to do a little research and wow-zers, tea is seriously AH-MAZE-ING! If you’re a habitual tea drinker, you know what’s going on and have reason to celebrate because studies show that drinking tea on a regular basis could reduce your risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease - which is basically the build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery wall causing them to harden or narrow. This reduces blood flow in the body and is often the cause of heart attacks, strokes and vascular disease. Yikes!

Some of the other health benefits of drinking tea:

  • Helps your body to fight damage from pollution due to it’s antioxidants.

  • Soothes your digestive system. Try a ginger or chamomile tea.

  • Boots your immune system through anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Try holy basil tea - aka Tulsi.

  • Promotes weight loss. Matcha, in particular, has been shown to have fat burning qualities.

  • Increases mental clarity and hydration! Yes, and YES!!

So, the next time you’re craving something warm, reach for a hot cup of tea, or my fave, a matcha green tea latte, you may be pleasantly surprised by how good it tastes and how good you feel.

Plus, a hot cup of tea is a great way to unwind after a long day, just be sure to grab a soothing herbal tea (without the caffeine) like peppermint or chamomile before bed.

Happy sipping!


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