Tips To Keep You and Your Family Healthy During Cold, Flu & Covid 19

Germs are everywhere, unfortunately some germs are worse than others. The good news is that we can help keep ourselves, and our loved ones, safe and healthy by following these few tips.

  1. Wipe down door handles, phone, keys and purse once you get home. I like to keep a container of wipes near my door so as soon as I get home I can wipe down these items. See ya later germs!!

  2. Wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap for 20 seconds. A good tip to ensure your little ones are washing their hands long enough is have them sing their ABC’s.

  3. Take off your clothes once you get home and put them straight into the wash. Covid 19 has been show to attach itself to clothing. If you’re unable to wash your clothes right away, hang them in direct sunlight, or apply a blow dryer, to kill the virus. Adios Covid 19!

  4. Drink hot liquids. Taking a sip of warm water every 20 minutes will wash the virus down to the stomach where the gastric juices can neutralize it before it gets to the lungs.

  5. Kick your Vitamin C intake up a notch! Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal of course. These yummy foods contain high levels of Vitamin C.

    • Kale

    • Broccoli

    • Oranges

    • Strawberries

    • Bell peppers

  6. Make sure to elevate your zinc levels as well. Come at colds, flu and Covid 19 with a PUNCH! These foods have high levels of Zinc.

    • Hemp hearts

    • Pine nuts

    • Peanuts

    • Cashews

    • Almonds

    • Seeds

    • Chickpeas

    • Lentils

    • Beans

By making these few simple changes in your daily routine, you may be one step closer to ensuring you and your loved ones remain healthy. The #1 BEST tip I can give you is STAY POSITIVE, we’re all in this together.

Stay happy and healthy my friends….keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands often.


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