The Truth About Tofu

Tofu, the great debate...

Some people rave about it's health benefits, while others think that it's genetically modified and should be avoided at all costs. 

So, what's the truth? 

Should you eat tofu or not? 

Tofu is not only high in protein, and low in calories, it also contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs. It provides fats, carbs and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Now I ask you, does this sound bad?

So, where did the confusion about tofu come from?!

Well, the confusion started because soy contains a plant estrogen called isoflavins. Scientists conducted a study on rodents and found that estrogen levels increased when the rodents consumed isoflavins.

Well, we’re not rodents and our bodies process isoflavins differently.

When a study was conducted on humans, (thank goodness * wink * ) scientists found that high amounts of dietary soy did not raise estrogen levels and did not have any link to breast cancer.

Check out this great article written by the Huffington Post: 5 Myths About Soy You Probably Still Believe To Be True.

Here’s a fun fact: rumor has it that a Chinese cook discovered tofu years ago, we’re talking 2, 000 year ago, by accidentally mixing a batch of fresh soy milk with nigari. Nigari is what remains when salt is extracted from seawater…who knew?!

I’m thankful for this accident because I personally love tofu! I sneak it into Shelby’s smoothies, shh…a mom has to do what a mom has to do to ensure their kiddo is getting enough protein and nutrients. I enjoy it in salads, as a meal…pretty much anything, it’s so versatile!

Okay, back to the benefits of tofu…

Tofu has been linked to reducing heart disease and diabetes, while increasing bone health and brain function. Ladies, this next part is especially important as we get older, like a fine wine. Tofu has been shown to help reduce hot flashes, help reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity and aid in weight loss when consumed over a period of time. YEAAAAAH!!!!!

So, how much soy should you consume in a day, since it’s such a great low carb protein?

I suggest capping yourself to three servings a day. This is because you should be getting your protein from a variety of sources, such as tempeh, edamame, and some vegan meats. (Stay clear of Beyond Burgers, they’re loaded with canola oil, yuck!! ). Of course if you’re not 100% plant based including other protein sources is fine like fish, chicken etc.

Now that you know the truth about tofu, perhaps you’re ready to give it a try yourself. In Fuel For Fat Loss, we teach you how to make quick and easy recipes, just like this one.


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