Three Tips to BREAK THROUGH A Workout Plateau

Have you suddenly hit a fitness rut, or workout plateau, and you're not sure why? 

Are you consistently working out, and eating healthy, but are no longer seeing results? 

Do you feel like you’ve stopped making progress?

If you feel like you have hit a roadblock on your fitness journey, don’t despair — this happens to a lot of people! Once you understand how your body adapts to training, though, you can make the changes to break through the plateau, continue making progress and start enjoying exercise again. 

First off, what is a workout plateau?

A workout plateau occurs when your body adjusts to the demands of your workouts. During a workout plateau, you may start to feel unmotivated, bored with your workouts, or find that you don’t feel like going to the gym. 

Here's the ONE THING you want to remember, our bodies are SMART!! If you're doing the same workout or exercises over and over again, your body will get used to it and start to expect it. When it expects that workout, it will store calories in an effort to conserve energy. 

So what do you need to do?

First things first ,YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE CHANGING UP YOUR WORKOUTS, especially after the first 30 days of doing one workout routine. This is why in our VIP community, we never do the same workout twice!

I have 3 things that will SHOCK YOUR BODY (in a good way * wink * ) and ensure you continue burning calories and fat as well as help you break through any workout plateau. 

1. DO Combination Exercises - This is when you combine lower body, upper body and core all in one exercise. This is something we practice every week in our community. Combination exercises serve as functional training, meaning that when you coordinate movements between your lower body, upper body, and core, you connect them to each other, making them work as one unit. This helps with coordination and prevents injury. But when it comes to preventing workout plateaus, combo exercises use a lot of body parts, meaning you are going to generate a ton of heat in the body, which means more calories burned! Whoop Whoop! 

Here are a couple of combination exercises you can try at home: 

  • Squats with bicep curls - these work your legs, abdominals and upper body

  • Side lunges with upright rows - these work legs, core and arms 

2. Dedicate one day per week to just cardio - This is something we very strategically and intentionally do in our community when it comes to our workouts. Doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio, gets your heart rate up then down for a specific amount of time. This variation will shock your body and trick it into burning more calories. 

HIIT workouts completed in Fuel For Fat Loss focus on performing cardiovascular exercises at high intensity for a certain amount of time, like 20 seconds, and then having a period of rest, or lower intensity exercises, for example 30 seconds.

When doing cardio, make sure you do not maintain the same speed. Why? Well, because you don't want your heart rate at the same pace for a prolonged period of time. If you continuously do that, it will cause your body to store calories instead of burning them.

3. Add a leg day in  - Leg muscles are big and can handle more intense workouts. These muscles include glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. This is why in Fuel For Fat Loss we dedicate one day just for legs. Not only are you toning your legs, you're also strengthening them at the same time. 

Working out the larger muscles in your body requires more energy, which means keeping your heart rate up and burning more calories. Legs provide the foundation of the body and strengthening them improves our overall body symmetry, and athleticism, which allows you to perform other activities. 

Including a day of strength training is just as important as a cardio day, as it burns more calories than cardio. Cardio and strength training both burn about 10 calories per minute on average.  

What makes strength training so much more efficient is that even after a workout, you continue to burn calories for the next 72 hours. Read that line again....

After you complete a strength training workout, you continue to burn calories for the next 72 hours!  

That means you will continue to burn fat while you're laying on the couch watching your fave show! Whoop whoop! 

Not only that, you will burn 25% more calories in the process! 

For every 3 pounds of lean muscle you build, you burn an extra 125 calories per a day How amazing is that?! 

So, if you keep these three exercise tips in mind, you will never hit that plateau. You will continue to make your workouts fun, keep your body on it's toes, and achieve long lasting results! 

Here's to a healthier, fitter you my friend! 


Healthy living has become unnecessarily complicated and most of the current popular advice doesn’t work - and isn’t actually based on science! That’s exactly why the FUEL FOR FAT LOSS Method was born - to combat the frustration you feel when you’re doing everything “right” but still not seeing results. In The 7 lbs In 7 Days Challenge we are going to introduce you to the Fuel For Fat Loss Method that has helped thousands transform
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