NEW you or SAME you?

New it going to be a NEW you or SAME you?

In your inbox and Facebook feed right now you are probably being inundated with New Year, new you, new cleanse, lose 30lbs in 30 days, new pill will help fat melt away.

At Fuel For Fat Loss we are NOT about diet culture. We want you to live your best life, focus on health, release weight by eating the right food at the right time for the right reasons, keep weight off long term and THRIVE in every single way.

But as 2021 rolls in, I do want us all to consider what THE NEW YOU looks like this year.

Is it an evolved you?

Are you more present?

More invested in your health than ever before?

Are you happier?.....

Are you an UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENT FORCE at home, at work, and in life?

The choice is yours!

I want you to go into this next year with everything you have to make it the BEST year of your life.

Let's take the struggles and hard stuff from 2020 and grow from it.

Let's move on.

Let's focus on what YOU can control.

Let's make sure YOU take care of yourself first so everyone around you THRIVES too!

Let's fuel and move your body with intention.

So I'm going to ask you again, this NEW YEAR, is it going to be the same you or NEW you?

The choice is yours.

And I personally cannot wait to be there every step of the way as we head into 2021 together.

We have SOME BIG STUFF coming your way that is going to help to empower you even more to make daily shifts.

Daily shifts that add up to big changes.

Sending love your way my friend. Here's to the NEW YOU and YOUR best year ahead.



Healthy living has become unnecessarily complicated and most of the current popular advice doesn’t work - and isn’t actually based on science! That’s exactly why the FUEL FOR FAT LOSS Method was born - to combat the frustration you feel when you’re doing everything “right” but still not seeing results. In The 7 lbs In 7 Days Challenge we are going to introduce you to the Fuel For Fat Loss Method that has helped thousands transform
their bodies and life. Download for FREE now!