Addicted to Sugar? How to Sugar Detox Without Experiencing Intense Sugar Cravings (Or Going Crazy!)

As a society, we consume significantly more sugar now than we did years ago. While you might think that sugar is only present in sweets and baked goods, sugar sneaks up on us in many foods and packaged items that we don’t even think about. This has led many people to become addicted to sugar and have intense sugar cravings. If you’re addicted to sugar and are ready to start cutting back, read on to learn how to sugar detox without experiencing intense sugar cravings (or going crazy!).

How Can You Become Addicted to Sugar?

The tricky thing about sugar is… it’s SUPER ADDICTIVE! The more sugar you consume, the more sugar cravings you have, and the more you want it. Sugar begins to act like a drug, leading you to become addicted to sugar. In fact, sugar is proven to be MORE addictive than cocaine! Crazy, right?!

If you’re struggling with sugar right now, first off, please know that you’re not alone! So many people struggle with sugar cravings and sugar addictions. However, now that you know better, you can begin to do better and take control of your food choices again. Cutting back on sugar doesn’t mean you have to eat bland, boring, tasteless foods. There are a ton of natural sweeteners out there that can make food taste delicious without the harmful effects of sugar.

Why You Should Start a 13 Day Sugar Detox

If you’re ready to beat your sugar addiction once and for all and rid your body of all the toxins living inside of you, I encourage you to start a 13 Day Sugar Detox to help reset your system for two VERY IMPORTANT reasons:

1. Sugar paralyzes the immune system.
2. Sugar spikes our blood sugar levels.

As we get older, it’s more important than ever to take care of our health and boost our immune system to help us fight illness and disease. Unfortunately, sugar paralyzes our immune system, which makes us more prone to illness and disease. 

Second, sugar spikes our blood sugar levels, which makes fat loss challenging, if not impossible. Every time you spike your blood sugar levels, you cause insulin to be released in your body. If you do this too many times, your body will become insulin resistant. Insulin is our anabolic hormone that controls our metabolism. If fat loss is your goal, you need to pay attention to insulin and keep your blood sugar levels even throughout the day.

5 Tips for Completing a 13 Day Sugar Detox Without Experiencing Sugar Cravings

Embarking on a sugar detox might seem intimidating, especially if you’re not used to looking at food labels or consciously thinking about the amount of sugar you consume. That’s why I recommend starting with a 13 Day Sugar Detox to help you cleanse your body of harmful toxins so you can feel lighter, less bloated, and more energetic. The best part about this detox is that you still get to eat real, naturally detoxifying whole foods, so you’ll never feel deprived or hungry. Check out these 5 quick tips to help you complete a 13 Day Sugar Detox without experiencing intense sugar cravings (or going crazy!).

Tip #1: Drink Green Smoothies

Green smoothies help to cleanse the body and rid it of sugar and toxins. The leafy greens (cruciferous veggies) work to dismantle poisons into water in the body. When we rid the body of toxins, including sugar, we rid our bodies of sugar cravings!

Tip #2: Find a Sugar Alternative

Instead of turning to sweets and sugary treats, look for naturally sweetened sugar alternatives. Try consuming yummy fruits instead, like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges. These fruits will give you the sweetness that your body is craving, without the crash afterwards. Plus they’re super hydrating and full of nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber!

Tip #3: Drink Water (And Lots Of It!)

Consuming more water is one of the BEST and EASIEST ways to cleanse the body and detox from sugar. Drinking water helps beat sugar cravings and keeps you full. Nine times out of ten, you’re not actually hungry when you’re craving sugar, but you’re actually thirsty! Take 10 big gulps of water when you feel a sugar craving hit and see how that helps. To make your water more interesting, infuse it with fruits and herbs for added flavor without the calories or added sweeteners.

Tip #4: Get ALL Sugar Out of the House

This is a BIG one. If you are constantly seeing sugary foods and treats in your pantry and refrigerator while trying to complete a sugar detox, it’s going to be really hard to stay away from them. Instead, get ALL sugar out of the house and replace it with whole foods and natural sweeteners, like honey, agave, and fruits. Trust me, you’ll thank me later!

Tip #5: Stay Active

During your 13 Day Sugar Detox, if you find yourself craving a sweet treat, get up and MOVE! Staying active will help keep your mind off of those sugary treats and sweets while also giving you the benefit of movement.

Whether you’ve tried a sugar detox in the past or are ready to beat your sugar addiction for the first time, my 13 Day Detox Challenge is the perfect way for you to kickstart your healthy habits and cleanse your body of sugar and toxins, right alongside me, my team, and hundreds of other women!

I’d love to know which of these 5 tips was most helpful for you, so comment below and let me know!


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Breaking Free from Sugar Addiction: 5 Easy Steps to Detox from Sugar