How To Reset Your Internal Clock | Increase Your Energy Naturally

I know many of us look forward to the weekend and long weekends, especially during the summer months. It’s everyone’s favorite time to stay out a little later, binge watch a few of their favorite episodes, or stay up a little longer reading their favorite novel. It’s okay to burn the midnight oil every now and then, but did you know that our bodies crave a consistent sleep schedule? It’s true! If you’ve ever wondered, “why am I so tired lately?” or “how can I increase my energy naturally,” this blog post is for you! Read on to learn a few tips to help you reset your internal clock.

Why A Consistent Sleep Schedule Is Important

Going to bed a little later than normal here and there is okay, but consistently going to bed later, hitting snooze multiple times, and sleeping in late in the morning can actually throw off your routine more than you know! Our bodies actually THRIVE when we get into a better pattern of sleeping and waking at the same time every day - or close to the same time.

As summer comes to an end and school gets back in session, it’s especially important to work on resetting your internal clock so you and your entire family can get back into a good routine. 

5 Tips to Reset Your Internal Clock

If you’re ready to beat the brain fog, sluggish mornings, and late nights, here are a few practical tips to help you reboot your internal clock.

1. Implement a nighttime routine. Start to unwind at least 1 hour before bedtime. That means NO cell phones, television or computers. The blue light from these screens can actually keep you awake longer as your brain is stimulated. Instead, take a warm bath or shower, make a cup of tea, and read a book or journal.

2. Brain dump your thoughts. I know it can be hard to wind down at night when your mind is racing. Before bed, write down whatever is swirling around in your head. Whether it’s to-do list items you need to finish tomorrow, something you need to get at the store, or something you need to do for work the next day, brain dump it and worry about it tomorrow!

3. Meditate or journal. Meditating and journaling on your thoughts and feelings for the day is a great way to unwind, reflect, and go to bed feeling calm, rested, and grateful.

4. Block out distractions. When it’s time to climb in bed, ensure your room is dark enough with NO distractions. Don’t keep the TV on or scroll on your phone.

5. Have an earlier bedtime, set your alarm, and GET OUT OF BED. Make it a goal to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than you did the night before. Before you go to bed, make sure to set your alarm for the morning. When the alarm goes off, GET OUT OF BED, whether you want to or not. Then the next night, go to bed 40 minutes earlier and wake at the same time. The next night, an hour earlier and wake at the same time.

By implementing these tips, before you know it, you will have created a consistent nighttime routine that you enjoy and look forward to, and your body and mind will be READY to go to bed earlier and wake with your alarm (or even before your alarm!). No more snooze button or decreased energy for you! You’ll feel refreshed and ready to take on the day!

How to Navigate Weekends

While it’s okay to stay up later and sleep in every once in a while, don’t be so quick to throw out your new sleeping patterns on the weekends. Continue to prioritize your nighttime routine and quality sleep every day of the week so you can look and feel your absolute best and have energy throughout the day!

Fun fact: Did you know that if you pattern your sleep habits around the sun, your brain’s subconscious will reset and you will experience a more natural sleep signal? Fascinating, isn’t it?! Give it a try!

If you’re looking for new meditations to try during your nighttime routine and a supportive community of like-minded women to hold you accountable to your health goals and sleeping patterns, check out the Total Body Transformation program, where you’ll get access to new meditations, yoga workouts (which can also be a great way to wind down at night!), a private community, and so much more!

Sign up for Total Body Transformation!

I’d love to know, what’s something you prioritize in your nighttime routine? Comment below and share away!


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