Fat Loss Will Never Happen If You Continue To Do This!

Have you tried every diet on the market to only end up feeling tired, moody and frustrated? You’re eating less and working out more and seeing little to no results.

Listen, it is not your fault that you are confused.

We have been taught that if we want to lose weight, we need to eat LESS, restrict the amount of calories we consume and workout MORE.

And this is simply NOT TRUE!!

Many people think that one of the easiest ways to see results is to simply not eat or skip meals. Not eating enough or skipping meals NOT ONLY DOES NOT WORK but it is extremely harmful for the body. When you do this your body goes into something that is known as starvation mode. In starvation mode, your body realizes it is not getting enough nourishment and it begins to panic. It doesn’t know when to expect its next meal so it begins storing FAT to be consumed later. THIS ALSO LEADS TO A DECREASED METABOLISM! While your body is in starvation mode, it will start to conserve energy. After you begin to eat again this low metabolism rate will burn calories at a much slower rate and make it harder for your body to keep fat off.

On top of it all, when you do not eat enough your CRAVINGS will hit the roof! Your body will start searching for sweets and sugary, high dense calorie foods. Your body is smart! It’s looking to get the most amount of calories in fast to get out of starvation mode!

THE GOOD NEWS is that you can turn this all around by fueling your body the right way!!

You can do this by making sure you:

  • Eat the right amount of calories FOR YOU and get your body out of starvation mode!

  • Make sure it’s the right food. Choose healthy fats, carbs and protein for each meal.

  • Balance your macros effectively.

  • Eat every 2 to 2.5 hours.

  • Don’t skip your meals or snacks. This will tell your body that food is coming in. You will notice an increase in your metabolism, a decrease in cravings, and a surge in energy levels.

When you fuel your body properly, you give it the tools it needs to heal stressed adrenals, thyroid and improve digestion.

Want some research to back this up? Watch this video The Reason Weight Loss Plateaus When You Diet where a Doctor shares his insights and research on STARVATION MODE.

Wishing you a healthy day my friend. Now go have a snack and enjoy every minute of it(wink)!


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