Working Towards Weight Loss? The One Thing You Should STOP Doing Daily

Are you working hard towards a weight loss goal? If so, there are many daily practices and habits that go into it, such as drinking enough water, fueling your body with high energy foods and the proper macros, and moving your body. However, there is one DAILY habit that can actually hinder your results and your mindset around weight loss.

Any guesses what it is?

Using the scale!

The Impact of the Scale On Your Weight Loss Journey

While the scale can be a helpful tool when working towards a weight loss goal, oftentimes, its impact does more harm than good. The scale can easily dictate your emotions around your body and weight. 

Think about it for a moment… you may not even realize it, but when you hop on the scale, your mood is instantly impacted in some sort of way, either positively or negatively.  

If the scale goes DOWN, you likely feel great, like you’re “winning,” and are set to have a great day.  

However, if it goes UP, you immediately feel disappointed, like a failure, and your day is ultimately ruined and set up for failure. Not only does this make you feel depressed and down on yourself, but you might end up self-sabotaging by eating or drinking too much of the wrong things in order to numb this feeling. 

Sound familiar?

If this is you, I need you to know something that no one ever talks about… the scale is NOT meant to go down every week!

The Scale is NOT Meant to Go Down Every Week

When it comes to weight loss for women, the scale will fluctuate from week to week and for sure from day to day, and there are so many reasons for that.

What Causes The Scale to Fluctuate

Your Cycle

As a woman, if you’re on your cycle, the scale is likely going to fluctuate. I’ve seen women’s weight go up on the scale by sometimes 10 lbs during this time! There is nothing you can do about this when your hormones are shifting, other than to stick to your healthy habits that you know serve you and give yourself grace. 

Water Intake

Another cause for a fluctuating scale is if you didn’t drink enough water the day before. Water is the ultimate detox that flushes your body out daily. If you don’t hit your water goals, your body hangs on to the waste in your body, causing the scale to go up. 

Salt Intake

Sodium is a sneaky mineral that likes to make the scale go up, so if you consume a lot of salt or have a salty meal, the scale is likely to jump a bit. When consuming salty foods, it’s extra important to flush your system out with enough water. 

Hard Workouts

It might seem counterproductive, but if you do a hard workout, such as a strength training workout, your body will retain water during the recovery process. This can cause the scale to shift upwards slightly. 

Not Going to the Bathroom 

Yes, even skipping going to the bathroom before your weigh-in can leave the scale a little higher than if you went to the bathroom before you weighed yourself. I know, it’s not the most glamorous topic, but it's true!

How to Measure Your Weight Loss Progress

Overall, the scale is meant to be used as a compass, a guide, and a tool on your weight loss journey to better health. Instead of ONLY using the scale to inform you on your progress, I always have clients take progress photos and measurements alongside weighing themselves. 

Doing all 3 will give you a 3-dimensional view of your progress. You may not see a difference in the scale every week, but if you have weight to lose, you’ll see it come down over time! Plus, seeing the changes in your measurements and progress photos can help you stay motivated on the days when the scale just isn’t budging or is trending upwards for one of the many reasons listed above. 

How to Approach Weigh-In Day

The best way to approach weigh-in day is with ZERO EMOTION!

I know this is easier said than done, but as you begin to heal your relationship with the scale and your body, it will get easier. 

My advice is to weigh yourself once a week, around the same time each time, and with zero emotion! Don’t hop on the scale each day, as that can just add stress and dread to your weight loss journey. 

Know that if you’re doing the right things, the scale will show progress over time, but not necessarily week to week. 

If the scale goes up, then perhaps it’s time to evaluate what you did that week. Did you have enough water? Did you track every meal and snack? Yes, even those little “treats” add up and can quickly derail your progress.

If you were spot on with your macros, water intake, workouts, etc, and the scale still went up, take note of the causes listed above and move on with ZERO EMOTION

I’ve seen clients release a crazy amount of weight in the beginning of their weight loss journey, and then it slows down. On the other hand, I’ve had clients release weight slowly the first month and then release 12 lbs the next month. Everyone is so different! Just know that your body will find its equilibrium and stabilize over time.

So, the next time you weigh-in, approach the scale with ZERO EMOTION! Remind yourself that the scale is just ONE guide on your journey to better health.

Most importantly, you have to believe it! The scale does NOT define you or dictate the kind of day (or week!) you’re going to have. Only you can do that. You’ve got this!

If you’re ready to transform your body, heal your relationship with food and the scale, and feel supported through it all, be sure to check out Total Body Transformation, my signature program to help you accelerate your results and have fun doing it!

Learn more about Total Body Transformation!

I’d love to know what YOUR biggest takeaway from this blog post is. Tell me in the comments below!


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