Why Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

Ever get super annoyed by the man in your life who decides to eat a little better and loses weight SO EASILY? Maybe he decides to remove just one thing from his diet like beer or bread and then JUST LIKE THAT he is losing weight and inches with what seems like very little effort, right?

We’ve all heard of couples changing their lifestyle habits and the man losing twice as much in half the amount of time. I know what you’re thinking, “How is this possible, Simone?! We’re doing the same thing?!” Well, that’s because you’re not seeing the entire picture.

Here are 4 Things to Know before you partner up with your significant other with your new menu plan.

  1. He may be losing weight faster than you, but it’s only short term. Men have more lean muscle so when they cut the same number of calories as women do, they lose more weight. Perfect example, put a man and a woman on a treadmill and both walk for 4 miles, at the same speed, the man will burn 50 more calories. Men have the better advantage because they are starting off with more muscle. As time goes by though, things start to even out and we’re back in the game ladies!

  2. I have one word that sums it all up, HORMONES! Women have estrogen, which means we’re supposed to have between 6 and 11% more body fat then men. This is what allows us to have children. Sometimes that additional fat is there no matter what we eat. It’s normal!

  3. Men and women’s brains react differently when it comes to food. One study had a group of men and women fast for 20 hours. They were then shown pictures of food that they were not allowed to eat. The pictures were then taken away. The men were no longer thinking about the food, but the women were. Why?! No one really knows, perhaps it’s evolution and women needing to maintain a healthy weight for pregnancies.

  4. It all comes down to WHERE fat is stored. Men gain weight in their bellies, which is easier to lose. Women on the other hand do not store fat in one generalized area, it’s more spread out. The fat on hips and thighs is harder to lose than belly fat.

Getting your significant other on board and having that extra support system is a wonderful idea. Just remember, our bodies are all different. At the end of the day, our bodies decide when and where to lose fat first.


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