Doing This Daily? Stop NOW!

Do you allow the scale to dictate your emotions?

Think about it for a moment…you may not even realize it but WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HOP ON THE SCALE? What happens to your mood in particular?

If the scale goes DOWN - are you like “yeah I’m winning” (insert happy dance) and you set off to have a great day?

Or if it goes UP - you immediately feel like a failure and the rest of your day is ruined? Not only has this made you feel depressed but now you end up self sabotaging by eating or drinking to numb this feeling?

If this is YOU, I need you to know something no-one ever talks about - the scale is NOT meant to go down every week!

The scale is NOT meant to go down every week!

The scale will fluctuate week to week and for sure day to day for SO many reasons!

You could be on your cycle, which by the way I’ve seen women go up by sometimes 10lbs during this time!

The scale will fluctuate if you did not have enough water the day before.

It will go up if you had a salty dinner the night before.

It will go up if you had a hard workout as now you’re retaining water.

It will even go up if you skipped going to the bathroom before you weighed yourself. Gross, I know!

The scale is meant to be used as a compass, a sort of guide….to your journey to better health. That is why I always have clients take photos, measurements and weigh themselves. Doing all 3 will give you the 3 dimensional view of your progress. You may not see a difference in the scale every week, but if you have weight to lose, you’ll see it come down OVER TIME!

So, how should you approach weigh-in day?


Weigh yourself once a week, around the same time each time and with zero emotion! Know that if you’re doing the right things, the scale will show progress over time, but not necessarily week to week. If the scale goes up, then perhaps it’s time to evaluate what your week. Did you have enough water this week? Have you tracked every meal and snack? Yes, even those little “treats” add up and can quickly derail your progress.

If you were spot on with your macros etc and the scale did go up - HAVE ZERO EMOTION!

I have seen clients release a crazy amount of weight in the beginning and then it slows, while other clients release weight slowly the first month and then release 12lbs the next month. Every one is different! YOUR body will find it’s equilibrium and stabilize over time.

So, the next time you weigh-in, approach the scale with ZERO EMOTION! Remind yourself that the scale is just ONE guide on your journey to better health. More importantly, believe it! The scale does NOT define you, or the day you will have. Only YOU can do that, and I know you’re going to have a fabulous day, gorgeous!



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