How To Get To a Healthy Weight and Keep It Off

Top Fuel For Fat Loss Clients are releasing 6-10lbs in 30 days! Not only are they releasing unwanted pounds, they are increasing their energy levels, eliminating cravings and sleeping better!

If you find yourself struggling with:

  • Low energy

  • Hormones

  • Cravings

  • Brain fog

  • PMS symptoms

You don’t have to! Healing your body begins from the inside out. The foods you eat directly affects the way your body operates.

Here are some helpful tips to achieve lasting results and keep it off long term.

  1. Stop Under Eating - When you under eat your body enters starvation mode, this can actually cause you to gain weight. Your metabolism will start to slow down, cravings go through the roof and fat loss will never happen. Instead, focus on eating your allotted calories and getting your body out of starvation mode!!! Eat quality calories and balance macros. When you eat the right amount of calories for your body, you will see a boost in your metabolism and a decrease in cravings.

  2. Log Everything You Eat - Don’t deprive yourself, but don’t cheat yourself either. That one cookie here and there, nibbling on our kiddos fish crackers and extra spoons of peanut butter does add up. When you stick to a plan, and log ALL of your food, it has a profound effect on your overall fat loss.

  3. Weigh In Weekly - With NO emotion! The scale is a helpful too, especially in the beginning as your get yourself down to your goal weight. Just know, that the scale is not the only tool you need - take pictures and measurements as well. You may not see a difference in the scale after awhile, but your measurements may be decreasing as your body is toning. Perhaps your mood has improved, along with your sleep. Or you are not experiencing cravings. These are all wins from a healthier lifestyle!

When it comes to your food, always ask yourself this one BIG question, ‘Does this food serve me?’ ‘Is it nourishing my body?’

If we FUEL our bodies properly and do these 3 things above consistently, we will reap ALL the WINS…… HEALTH ones AND SCALE ones too.


The problem with so many diets is that they do not teach you the skills or give you the proper tools needed to live a healthier, more nutritious lifestyle. Download Why Dieting Is Making You Fat for FREE and get my top 5 secrets for meal prepping and losing weight TODAY!