Vanessa's Vivacious Vitality
I always have been a sport enthusiast and active, but Fuel for Fat Loss®️ has been a major game changer for me.
Mahnaz's Metamorphosis
Not only is she getting organized, Meal Prepping and staying focused - she is becoming this UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENT FEMALE FORCE
Michelle's New Muscles
Michelle lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks and is sporting a six pack without flexing! Say whoat?!!!!!! Way to go girl! 👊
One Woman's Hard Work
This client has seen so many scale and non scale victories and is the perfect example of how you can achieve results - real results (in a short amount of time) WITHOUT DIETING!
Two Common Carb Mistakes {VIDEO}
Today I want to share with you 2 mistakes I see when it comes to carbs and also some of my low carb secrets for pasta and rice!!!
Iron Woman Jen Rulon
Jen says she feels and looks better now in her 40s than she did her 20s!
Amanda's Amazing Achievement!
This is a huge win for me....tank Top and shorts! It’s been years since I wanted to wear either.
Ryan's Rapid Round One Results
My wins for the week...Sticking to my meal planning and working out every day no matter what time I got home from work